As my hubby said, "It's worth it to me if I have 10 less questions to answer for you." I think he was being nice & meant, "Stop your griping. I can't fix your computer. It's ancient & I am not a miracle worker." Rick is the techy one in the family so I get the hand me downs when he upgrades. When I got the laptop, I thought I was one lucky chick. With this past move I also acquired a Garmin. It's necessary as one of my nicknames is
Magellan. I've been in electronics hell with several problems with my new phone service, a new camera, no photo editing program, a jacked up external drive, & computer issues. I've told my husband I'm electronically cursed. He believes I'm "challenged". Whatever... goodness, the whining I've accomplished in my last few & far between posts.
Tomorrow I will have some artsy pics & a post to show. I've been so busy with lots of everything!